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March 22, 2023 1 min read

Since day 1, Nakee Butter has been a go-to for adventure-seekers who are on the lookout for nutritious and delicious snacks to fuel their outdoor adventures.

From hikers and campers to mountain climbers and backpackers, Nakee Butter has become a staple in travel packs that have been all over the world! 

Customers highlight how Nakee Butter has helped them to sustain their energy levels during their adventures. Whether they are trekking in the mountains or paddling down a river, Nakee Butter's high protein and healthy fat content has given them the boost they need to power through their activities.

But Nakee Butter isn't just for outdoor adventurers. It's also perfect for those who lead busy lifestyles and need a quick and healthy snack to keep them going!

Nakee Butter has become a favorite among customers who prioritize health, taste, and convenience. Its versatility and nutritious properties make it an ideal choice for anyone who wants to fuel their worldly adventures or simply enjoy a healthy snack on the go.

We like to say it's for high-performing humans everywhere.

Check out this video to see the evolution of Nakee Butter and all of the places it has traveled! 



Video created by: Kyle Cruickshank, Quirky Creative 

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